Cute Season (Sæt Season)

It’s the Most Adorable Time of the Year

Spring has fully sprung and in Iceland, that means the lambing season is upon us. All across the land, little lambs are being born; on wobbly legs, blinking and stepping into the sun. As is tradition, families flock to local farms to bear witness to their births and, in some cases, lend a literal hand and help deliver some of the tiny lambs.


Even though the majority of the Icelandic population lives in urban areas, Icelanders have a long history of sheep farming and many families return to their ancestral farmland for such special occasions. It’s a great way to maintain a connection to family history and the deep cultural significance sheep farming holds for many Icelanders.

Teachable Moments

Many local farmers welcome visitors regardless of their ties to a particular farm. Adults and children of all ages can’t resist oohing and ahhing over all the baby farm animals that can be seen this time of year. But we all know the lambs are the stars of the show.

Kids not only love seeing all the baby animals, but are also keen to learn about how farms work and how the little lambs will soon go on a great summer adventure into the valleys, highlands and fjords. Matters of life and death can’t be avoided on a farm and depending on the age of the child, there may also be room to grapple with some circle of life questions in a safe environment.

More Than Waterfalls

After the lambs have become more surefooted and before they make their way up to the highlands, the sheep and lambs are released into the lowland fields, sprinkling cuteness all over the countryside.

Although it may be hard to believe, many kids (and even some adults) tire of only seeing grand mountains and spectacular waterfalls as they explore Iceland. But this time of year, even the most hardened of teenagers has been known to delight in and even smile at seeing lambs frolicking in the lush, verdant fields.

Check out Icelandic Lamb for recipes and more to help you create your own Icelandic lamb dish.